“Global Mobility of Research Scientists: The Economics of Who Goes Where and Why” (9780128013960)


Global Mobility of Research Scientists: The Economics of Who Goes Where and Why
Global Mobility of Research Scientists: The Economics of Who Goes Where and Why
Geuna, Aldo
Academic Press
Elsevier S & T



<i> <p>Global Mobility of Research Scientists: The Economics of Who Goes Where and Why </i>brings together information on how the localization and mobility of academic researchers contributes to the production of knowledge.</p> <p>The text answers several questions, including “what characterizes nationally and internationally mobile researchers?” and “what are the individual and social implications of increased mobility of research scientists?”</p> <p>Eight independent, but coordinated chapters address these and other questions, drawing on a set of newly developed databases covering 30 countries, including the US, the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, and China, among others. </p><br><br><ul><li>Combines theoretically sound and empirically fascinating results in one volume that has international and interdisciplinary appeal.</li><li>Covers topics at the forefront of academic, business, and policy discussions </li><li>Data used in the chapters available at a freely-accessible website</li></ul>


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