Building Science N1 SB-eBook (9781430804093)

(1 customer review)


Building Science N1 SB-eBook
Building Science N1 SB-eBook
L.L. Maraschin
L.L. Maraschin
Macmillan South Africa
Macmillan South Africa



The TVET First NATED Series offers students and lecturers a wide range of courses, written by lecturers, examiners and subject experts. Troupant/Macmillan have developed brand new books that cover the curriculum and that address developments in the various fields by bringing subject matter up to date. The books include: • relevant and attractive illustrations • activities • examples • case studies • new word definitions.

1 review for Building Science N1 SB-eBook (9781430804093)

  1. Passmore Sithole

    I’m studying civil engineering with AIE college

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