“Clinical Radiology: The Essentials” (9781469823027)


Title: Clinical Radiology: The Essentials
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Clinical Radiology: The Essentials
Author: Daffner, Richard H.; Hartman, Matthew
First name: Richard
Last name: Daffner
Imprint: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Owner:Wolters Kluwer Health
Edition: 4


SKU: 9781469823027 Category: Tags: , , , , ,


Written in an engaging, easy-to-read style, Clinical Radiology covers the topics most often included in introductory radiology courses and emphasizes clinical problem solving. The text offers guidelines for selecting imaging studies in specific clinical situations and takes a systematic approach to imaging interpretation, presenting a review of normal anatomy, technical and pathologic considerations, and diagnostic advice. The Fourth Edition includes: -NEW! Full-color design and illustrations -50 new images, updated to reflect the latest technology -Expanded coverage of neurotoxicity and radiation exposure -Additional “Diagnostic Pearls” included in every chapter -Bonus online material, including case studies, slides, and additional radiological images


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