“Project Management in Product Development: Leadership Skills and Management Techniques to Deliver Great Products” (9780128023228)


Project Management in Product Development: Leadership Skills and Management Techniques to Deliver Great Products
Project Management in Product Development: Leadership Skills and Management Techniques to Deliver Great Products
Ellis, George
Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann
Elsevier S & T


SKU: 9780128025598 Category: Tags: , , , , ,


<i> <p>Project Management in Product Development: Leadership Skills and Management Techniques to Deliver Great Products</i> is written for new and aspiring project managers in product development. Although texts on project management are common, the material presented here is unique, instead focusing on product development, a challenging segment of project management because of the high level of uncertainty, the need for a robust set of problem-solving techniques, and a demand for broad cross-functional teams. </p> <p>The book also focuses on more than just project management techniques, including a thorough treatment of transformational and transactional leadership. Other topics covered include problem-solving techniques, development, and continuous improvement of processes required in product development, risk recognition and management, and proper communication with mangers and other stakeholders. </p> <p>Finally, project management techniques used in product development are presented, including the critical path method, scrum and XP, and Kanban/lean project development, along with the strengths and weaknesses of each. </p><br><br><ul><li>Provides ways to successfully manage product development projects by teaching traditional and advanced project management techniques like Gantt, CPM, Agile, Lean, and others</li><li>Covers transformational and transactional leadership, how to create a vision and engage the team, as well as tactics on how to manage a complex set of tasks</li><li>Uses a practical, common sense approach to the day-to-day activities of a project manager, including project planning, project process development, problem-solving, project portfolio management, reporting, and more </li><li>Presents a thorough comparison of popular project management tools</li><li>Includes many examples, cases, and side-bars that are included throughout the book</li></ul>


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